Sunday, March 9, 2025

The wind is rising

Looking across the farm, 
And another day begins, 
With another day’s minor tasks 
Still calling for completion, 
Even as the world beyond’s in turmoil. 
I reset the clocks, feed the cats, 
Wash the dishes, 
Breathe deep, and look again:
 The sun’s already gone, 
Lost behind a cloud, 
And the wind is rising.

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Life’s beauty

Life’s beauty, 
 Glimpsed through a netting 
Of branches and reflections, 
Is still clear; 
Our work’s clear, too: 
 To notice, to honor and protect that 
From all who seek only to exploit.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Shine the light

The fog these days is thick, 
And many are feeling far from home 
And far from safe: 
All the more reason 
To shine the light of welcome and encouragement; 
To let the wanderers know 
There is still kindness in the world.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

A new path

We cannot know where this path will lead, 
But it seems we have no choice but to take it. 
Take a deep breath, 
Gird your loins, 
Gather a few close friends, 
And take that step into a different future 
Than we could ever have imagined, 
Listening closely for hints of guidance 
 Along the way.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Still bringing love

Like this tree, which, though it’s fallen, 
Still produces apples every year, 
We may be down, but we’re not out: 
 We can still bring into the world 
What we were born to bring: 
Faith, Hope, and Love — 
And the greatest of these is Love.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A renewed sense of purpose

I need community; we need community, 
And, however naive this may sound, 
I believe our community 
Needs voices of hope and faith 
To keep our spirits up 
For the challenging path ahead. 
And so I’ve decided to reduce my exposure 
To the darkness we're all seeing, 
And I pledge to do my best 
To be one of those calm voices. 
Thank you for your patience,
And thank you for listening.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Spring returns despite our fears

As the first wee daisies 
Begin blooming in our lawn 
And the bellies of our does swell with new life, 
We know that spring is on its way again, 
Unhindered by the many worries 
Intruding in our thoughts and fears.