Thursday, April 25, 2024

The play of dark and light

It’s hard to say what’s lovelier here: 
The leaves? Or the flowers? 
Each has such grace — 
 But why do we have to choose? 
For each, it is the play of dark and light; 
The textures and the colors 
That in nature, as in life, 
Offer both beauty and meaning; 
An invitation to explore, 
 As well as joy and inspiration.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Gratitude and response

A picture can’t really convey 
The magnificence of this ancient rhody, 
Which is almost two stories tall 
And blesses us with its glorious waterfall of pink 
Each year around this time; 
Nor can words truly convey 
My gratitude for this amazing gift 
And the joy that fills my heart each morning 
 As I sit and watch those pink buds 
 Turn to blossoms. 
The undemanding generosity of nature 
 Continues to astound me: 
 How can we not ache — and sacrifice— 
To protect it?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Glowing in the dark

Walking by our neighbor’s house at sundown,
 I’m surprised by how brightly this purple pops: 
In this low light, it’s practically iridescent, 
And I find I’m itching to get back home, 
To see if our apple blossoms also 
Show up better in the fading light of evening. 
There are those of us, I do believe, 
Whose true colors shine more brightly 
In darker times; 
Whose quiet worth might be otherwise easily missed.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Green and good

Apple trees blooming, 
A newly mowed lawn, 
A moon so round it stops me in my tracks 
(And wakes me up at 3am, 
Beaming love through my bedroom window) 
Life in this moment is green and good.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hidden iceberg

From our perspective, at the top of the cliff,
 It looked as if a giant were floating underwater; 
Only his foot and toes sticking out
 (You know, of course, 
That giants only have 3 toes!) 
Sort of like an iceberg, 
Like the one we carry in our hearts — 
All the hidden thoughts and history 
That lie behind the words we speak and write; 
The secret fuel to our anger, our compassion, 
And our art…

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Apple blossom time

Our apple trees are blooming, 
Their bright blossoms coloring their branches 
With rosy promises of fruit to come.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Taking that path

Looking ahead, the path seems clear, 
But then it appears to peter out: 
Should we take it anyway? 
Or live in fear 
That we’ll take the risk but then find ourselves 
Trapped at the end with nothing to do 
But turn back. 
But what will we have lost if we take that risk? 
Only time. Only time. 
 And there’s always the chance 
 The adventure will have been 
 Worth that time; 
That you might come back 
Having learned a new truth 
About how strong you can be…